Reserve Requirements

ReserveRequirement <: Modification

Representation of reserve requirement, such that the sum of eligible power injection capacity in the region (including both generators and storage devices) is constrained to be greater than or equal to some percentage above the load.

Keyword arguments:

  • name - name of the modification
  • area - the area by which to group the buses by for the reserve requirements.
  • credit_gen - the Crediting for the generators, defaults to AvailabilityFactorCrediting
  • credit_stor - the Crediting for the storage facilities (see Storage), defaults to StandardStorageReserveCrediting
  • requirements_file - a table with the subareas and the percent requirement of power capacity above the load. See summarize_table(::Val{:reserve_requirements})
  • flow_limits_file - (optional) a table with positive and negative flow limits from each subarea to each other subarea. See summarize_table(::Val{:reserve_flow_limits}). If none provided, it is assumed that no flow is permitted between regions.
  • load_type - a String for what type of load to base the requirement off of. Can be either:
    • plnom - (default), nominal load power.
    • plserv - served load power.

Model Modification:

  • Variables
    • pres_flow_<name> - (nflow x nyr x nhr) Reserve power flow for each row of the flow limit table, bounded by forward and reverse max flows. (only present if there is flow_limits_file file provided)
  • Expressions
    • pres_total_subarea_<name> - (nsubarea x nyr x nhr) Reserve power from all sources for each subarea
    • pres_gen_subarea_<name> - (nsubarea x nyr x nhr) Reserve power from generators for each subarea (function of capacity)
    • pres_stor_subarea_<name> - (nsubarea x nyr x nhr) Reserve power from storage units (only present if there is Storage in the model.)
    • pres_req_subarea_<name> - (nsubarea x nyr x nhr) Required reserve power (function of load), depends on requirements_file and load_type
    • pres_flow_subarea_<name> - (nsubarea x nyr x nhr) Reserve flow flowing out of each subarea, function of pres_flow_<name> variable. (only present if there is flow_limits_file file provided)
  • Constraints
    • cons_pres_<name> - (nsubarea x nyr x nhr) Constrain that pres_total_subarea_<name> ≥ pres_req_subarea_<name>.

Adds results:

  • (:gen, :<name>_rebate) - the total rebate for generators, for satisfying the reserve requirement. Generally ≥ 0. This is added to (:gen, :net_total_revenue_prelim), and subtracted from electricity user welfare.
  • (:storage, :<name>_rebate) - (only added if Storage included) the total rebate for storage units, for satisfying the reserve requirement. Generally ≥ 0. This is added to (:storage, :net_total_revenue_prelim), and subtracted from electricity user welfare.